Saturday 3 March 2012

Advertising of my chosen events...

The National Wedding Show of course advertises in bride magazines such as , Brides, You and Your Wedding and Cosmopolitan Bride, just to name a few. The National Wedding Show advertises in theses magazines because the people that read these magazines that would go to The National Wedding Show, brides and grooms to be. Both magazine and event have the same target audience.

The You Me At Six Tour I have found advertised in magazines such as Kerrang! and Rock Sound. The You Me At Six tour is advertised in theses magazines, just like The National Wedding Show is advertised in the bride magazines because theses magazines have the same target audience of the people that would go to the shows.

Looking at the two theories of advertising, The National Wedding Show is going along the lines of the strong theory of advertising. This is because, Jones states "exponents of this theory hold that advertising can persuade someone to buy a product that they have never previously purchased." People only plan on getting married once and therefore would only really need to go to one wedding show. The strong theory of advertising also mentions that promotional methods help move buyers towards purchase. The National Wedding Show boasts thats it is "The UK's biggest and best wedding event" therefore making it a one stop shop for brides.
On the other hand I feel that the You Me At Six advertising is more along the lines of the weak theory of advertising, this is because the people that will attend the live shows will already be a fan of You Me At Six and therefore the advertising is just "reinforcing brand loyalty." People would not splash out cash to see a band that they were not a fan of.

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