Monday, 12 March 2012

Schramm's Model...

I used Wilbur Schramm's 1954 model when making this blog. The model ‘emphasizes the process of encoding and decoding a message. Schramm envisioned this process as a two-way circular communication between the sender and receiver; the model incorporates the study of human behavior in the communication process.’  

Communication- the act of imparting information

The model was very handy when writing this blog, it helped me understand how people see and understand marketing communications activities such as advertising. The first realm of understanding is about the brand/event/company making the message (poster/billboard/website) and the second realm of understand is us, as the public seeing the message, understanding it, maybe going out and buying the product/buying tickets to the event. Then this information provides feedback back to the source on how successful the advertising was.

Lecture notes- Ruth Hickmott

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